Google Noodling

Let's make virtual noodle!




React, Web animation


Lead Front-end developer



In China, coding never stops. In a year where Covid limited physical festivals to virtual events, Google seeks to empower developers' bodies and minds using their innovations and products. To demonstrate this, we created Noodling- an interactive gaming experience that literally got developers out of their chairs and moving during the 6-day summit. Resulting in tripled engagement compared to 2019, 7.36million unique views in 5 days, 6.5km of virtual noodles made. Plus, 98% of devs agreed that Google is helpful to devs in China.


This game deploys Tensorflow that detects gesture and motion. The user is prompted to move their hands to make virtual noodles like how a noodle master would with real noodles. The game challenged them to make the noodle as long as they possibly could in 2 minutes. To up the game, special toppings were available in the gameplay if the user attended more talks.

Tech highlights

I worked independently for this game module, from phsycis engine, game system, frontend ML model and integration of all these in Angualr framework.

Frontend: Angular Tensorflow.js (PoseNet) Phaser3 canvas & web cam stream


谷歌开发者 微信公众号 🔗 Google 面馆营业啦!揭秘拉面背后的机器学习技术

TXD技术体验设计 微信公众号 🔗 今日灵感VOL.03: 谁是终极拉面之神